The news was shocking. It seems as if MJJ was a family member. I remember back in the day when I was getting my hair done @ Gandy's. Dad and I went on thursdays and when I got to school on Friday, I would tell all my schoolmates that I was the 6th Jackson! Ya know, the one Joe never talked about. Talking bad about Mike would get you punched in the face.
There's a story about him and his brothers doing a mini-concert in South Memphis on top of a building. I don't know how true this is because I have heard plenty of people talking about it but no one has ever said that they were actually there. Might be an urban legend, who knows.....
But I did go to the Triumph tour. The Jacksons' 1981 Triumph Tour began in Memphis, Tennessee and ended in Los Angeles. The Jacksons set a record breaking 4 sold out concerts in Los Angeles. I was twelve and can still remember what I had on. Dark blue baggies and a white and blue no-collar shirt. Our seats were so high up in the Coliseum, I almost had to bend over when we got up to dance. Dancing all in the aisles.
Over the years, my love for MJJ has lessened while my appreciation of his music stayed the same but hell, I liked the black Mike. I aint scared to say it. I just never could get with the straightened hair and the bleached skin but the cat is still the greatest entertainer ever to me.
Yeah, music died yesterday and the world will miss you!
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