Self Expression Or Distraction

Dress Code Policy in the Memphis City School system dictates that a student wears tan, navy blue or black pants, skirts or jumpers. Student must also wear a white long sleeve or short sleeve shirt with a collar. However, school colors allowed.

One student said, "I had a white Aeropostale shirt. I had my gray belt. I had some skinny leg jeans and my flats and some leg warmers.”

So why did this outfit land this student in the Principal's office?

This student is a BOY!

The principal called him into his office and said that he needed to dress like a boy and his sexuality is getting too outrageous at school and that Gaderious going to have to find some place else to go. Gaderious says he usually wears a fitted girl's collared shirt, a long sleeve undershirt, cargo khakis, and tennis shoes or flats.

The dress code is unisex so there is no such thing as a "boy" or "girl" uniform. MCS policy says the principal can say something if the attire disrupts the learning environment or creates a safety hazard.

Gaderious says, "I don’t start trouble with anyone. I’m just a normal student.”

Gaderious has since filed a complaint with the Board of Education about the principal’s demands that he change his clothing and hopes to get a response back soon. He wants to attend a winter formal and prom and wants to be able to buy his outfit, even if it is a dress.

Should this type of behavior be permitted in public schools? At what point does self expression become a distraction?

P.S. I know I have been a little lazy in posting but work with me yall. Life happens!

1 commented:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo 20 March, 2009 08:21  

aint we got better things to focus on dang

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