An Extention Cord > A Time Out

While watching this video, I thought aint no way one of mine would even think of doing something like this. Hell, I WISH they would! When he first told her to shut up and stuck his finger in her face, right then he should have gotten choked the hell out but this little bastard didn't even flinch so I know this aint the first time he pulled some shit like this. All that's missing is him calling her a bitch and telling her to go git his money! After he pimp slapped the lady, I guess now she thinks it's time for him to be sent to time out. What he needs is a few across his ass from that brown extension cord because in times like this, a simple belt just won't do. I am from a small town called BeatAKidsAss and this video just made me homesick!

2 commented:

Vertis 06 June, 2008 10:25  

I would have kicked that kid's ass, not beat him, but kicked his ass for slapping me. Sorry for the foul language, but that is just insane behavior.

Sauce 06 June, 2008 13:26  

truth, no need to apologize. speak on it.

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